Oliver Heldens, David Guetta, FAST BOYがタッグを組み、新曲「Chills (Feel My Love)」をリリース。
今作は、David GuettaがOliver Heldensと共に、3月にマイアミで開催された『Ultra Music Festival 2024』で初披露し話題を集めた1曲。 FAST BOYのエモーショナルなVoと、疾走感溢れるビートが見事に融合。ソングライティング、プロデュース、DJの3大スーパースターが一堂に会したフェスアンセムに仕上がっている。
なお、Oliver Heldensは、今作について以下のようにコメントしている。
Oliver Heldens: “Earlier last year, I was looking for some uplifting vocals, and FAST BOY sent me a few vocal demos. One of them, ‘Chills, ‘ really stood out to me, and I was immediately drawn to its emotional and melancholic vibes, so I started working on it. In the summer of 2023, I tested an early demo at some of my shows but felt it wasn’t totally right, so I went into the studio and kept re-working, and during a session in Amsterdam during ADE where I actually met FAST BOY for the first time, we got it to a place where it sounded so big and fresh! The new version reminded us a lot of some of David Guetta’s older hits, like “When Love Takes Over,” so we had to send it to him. He loved it and put his touch on it, and we all finished it up together! We also really managed to nail the Radio Edit with the King of Dance/Pop’s input ;) We are so happy with the end result and to finally release it!,”